Saturday, September 24, 2011


The Aura. The colours present in an aura can range from a dirty, muddy brown to a glorious, translucent white, depending on the individual`s character.

The aura is an invisible body of light that surrounds all living things. Just as no two people are identical, so no two aura are alike. The colors present can range from a dirty, muddy brown to a glorious, translucent white, depending on the individual`s character.

Until the early years of the last century they were seen only by psychics, but in 1908 Dr. Walter J. Kilner discovered that he could see them by looking through a screen of Dicyanin. This had the effect of making someone who looked through it temporarily short-sighted, and thus more able to see the radiation present in the ultra-violet part of the spectrum. In 1911 he published a book called "The Human Atmosphere". A revised edition was published in 1920 as "The Human Aura" and is still readily available.

Dr. Kilner claimed no psychic powers and insisted that anyone could see the aura. It is possible to buy "aura goggles" and see the auras the way Dr. Kilner did. Unfortunately some people with vision problems such as colour-blindness and extreme long sightedness can not see it.

In 1939 Semyon Davidovich Kirlian accidentally discovered what is now known as Kirlian photography. If you place your finger (or any other part of your body) in a Kirlian device, the resulting photograph will show an array of colors around your finger.

One fascinating aspect of these photographs is that pictures of a diseased leaf who a completely different type of aura to that of a healthy leaf. This raises the possibility of aura healing.

A 19th century invention, Schlieran photography, originally invented to detect flaws in glass, shows a distinct aura around living things.

Researchers at the City University in London used it to research convection currents around the human body. Their report says: "Starting at the soles of the feet, the air layer moves slowly upward over the body. At the groin and under the armpits it reverses direction briefly. At the shoulders it spurts upward to dissipate in a feathryplume about five inches above the head."

So now religious artists, psychics and scientists all claim they have halos!

The human aura consists of a number of layers, the etheric double, the inner aura and the outer aura.


This is a virtually invisible, slightly greyish line that covers the entire body like a body sock. This aura is generally about 1/16" wide, though it can occasionally be as wide as half an inch. At first it appears to be simply a space between the body and the aura, but a closer examination shows that it is actually a very fine mesh.


This is the brightest part of the aura and extends between two and four inches beyond the etheric double. The aura consists of one main color, assisted by several minor colors. The texture of the inner aura varies between fine and course, depending on the spiritual quality of the individual.

Generally speaking, the finer the texture, the better. The entire inner aura seems to move and swirl in different directions.


The outer aura is oval in shape and encircles the inner like a cocoon. It extends some ten to eighteen inches beyond the inner aura. It is larger around the head and shoulders than at the feet, so can appear to be egg shaped. This aura is more amorphous than the inner aura, but is still in constant motion. It is generally seen as an unclear haze, and often it is impossible to see exactly where it ends. The colors are in pastel shades, rather than the bright colors of the inner aura.

The etheric double, Inner Aura and Outer Aura are generally regarded as representing the complete aura and are the way we are Seeing The Aura.

Some psychics though, claim that they can see two additional layers: The Higher Mental Aura and the Spiritual Aura.

The Higher Mental Aura apparently consists of a magnificent yellow color, with a strange luminescent, ethereal glow. This is probably the halo that surrounds the paintings of saints.

The Spiritual Aura is a clear, colorless light, but one of such purity that it radiates goodness and peace. Energies of yellow light leave it in all directions. Sometimes it is surrounded by a layer of pale blue light.

The Four Subtle Energy Bodies of the Aura

Beyond the physical body are the subtle energy bodies and the uninhibited flow of this subtle energy maintains the physical body. Therefore, knowledge of the extended human energy field - your Aura and Chakras - is imperative for improving your health and well-being. These four subtle energy bodies of consciousness is what defines your personality, your perception, your direction in life, and your soul's expression and are known as the Causal or Spiritual, the Mental, the Emotional and the Etheric Bodies.
The Causal or Spiritual Body

The Auric Body is the body of consciousness and awareness and the Auric Layer is the representation of the chakra interacting in the aura.

The Spiritual Body (the first of the subtle energy bodies) also known as the Causal Body is a body of consciousness associated with your true spiritual path and direction in life. It is your highest potential and reflects your ability to manifest your souls true potential here on earth.

The essence of your soul's reality is the expression "to be" and this ultimately is the reason for your existence. It has the highest vibration of the auric bodies and depending on the development of your spiritual nature, this body can emanate up to three feet from the physical body.

It appears as a whitish glow and contains your true spiritual essence.
"Casual consciousness deals with the essence of a subject while the mental level studies the subject's detail. The casual body deals with the essence of substance and the true causes behind the illusion of appearance... The causal plane is a world of realities... deals with essence and underlying nature of things in question. Healing at this level is more powerful than the mental body." (Gerber)
The Mental Body

The Spiritual body (the second of the subtle energy bodies) is the blueprint to your spiritual potential. However, it requires the creation of patterns of energy for this potential to be expressed and experienced. These patterns of energy are stored in the Mental body as thoughts - both conscious and sub-conscious.

The patterns stored within the mental body creates the character framework for the soul to project its personality. The "self" manifests and expresses concrete intellect through the mental body.

This body appears as a golden yellow light radiating out and around the head and shoulders and extending around the whole body. It expands and becomes brighter when its owner is concentrating on mental processes.

Extending up to twelve inches from the body, the mental body filtrates thoughts down to the emotional body which reacts to the thoughts with an emotional association be it love, fear, happiness, anger, and so forth. A balanced mental body will provide an individual with clarity and direction.
The Emotional or Astral Body

The Emotional Body (the third of the subtle energy bodies) is more fluid and of a higher vibration than the etheric body. It appears as colored clouds in continual motion, reflecting the quality and intensity of the emotions. This is the part of you that likes to "jump out" in times of trauma and shock, to produce a feeling of emotional numbness, which will allow you to slowly integrate the knowledge of the shock in your own way.

The Emotional body, which is also known as the Astral body, is the seat of your emotions. It is the bridge between the mind and the physical body. Your emotional energy governs your fears and hopes, loves and pains. It governs the extent and nature of one's personality expression upon the physical plane.

This body is the projection of your longings, moods, feelings, appetites, and fears. The emotional "self" is the expression of your mental "self" thus the emotional body is the expression of the mental body.

The energy of the emotional body impacts the Etheric body, which in turn impacts the physical body. Consequently emotional blockages prevent the manifestation of clarity of thought and direction in the physical body.
The Etheric Body

The Etheric Body (the fourth of the subtle energy bodies) appears as a bluish-grey colour or shadow, extending approximately one inch from the physical body. It is responsible for the transfer of life energy or vitality from the universal energy field to the physical body.

The Etheric body is a body of Etheric or subtle matter which furnishes the basic blue print for the physical body. Every cell in the physical body has an etheric counterpart.

This body also serves as a filtration system. Universal life force energy filters down through the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Etheric Bodies into the physical body. The Etheric Body is the interface between the physical body and the other subtle bodies of the Aura.

When the flow of this energy is disrupted, the physical body is affected and if this imbalance is not corrected, illness and dis-ease can manifest in the physical body. There is a synergistic relationship between each subtle body of the aura.

Other than the four subtle energy bodies the Aura also has seven distinct layers of energy that are intimately connected to what is known as the Chakra System which is located along the spine.

Your Aura and Colour... did you know that you are as colorful as the most exquisite bird? Find further aura reading material here.

Go to - What is the Aura?

Go to - Seeing the Aura

The Law of Attraction can and does work, all that is required is that you give it something to work with!