The Aura. The colours present in an aura can range from a dirty, muddy brown to a glorious, translucent white, depending on the individual`s character.
The aura is an invisible body of light that surrounds all living things. Just as no two people are identical, so no two aura are alike. The colors present can range from a dirty, muddy brown to a glorious, translucent white, depending on the individual`s character.
Until the early years of the last century they were seen only by psychics, but in 1908 Dr. Walter J. Kilner discovered that he could see them by looking through a screen of Dicyanin. This had the effect of making someone who looked through it temporarily short-sighted, and thus more able to see the radiation present in the ultra-violet part of the spectrum. In 1911 he published a book called "The Human Atmosphere". A revised edition was published in 1920 as "The Human Aura" and is still readily available.
Dr. Kilner claimed no psychic powers and insisted that anyone could see the aura. It is possible to buy "aura goggles" and see the auras the way Dr. Kilner did. Unfortunately some people with vision problems such as colour-blindness and extreme long sightedness can not see it.
In 1939 Semyon Davidovich Kirlian accidentally discovered what is now known as Kirlian photography. If you place your finger (or any other part of your body) in a Kirlian device, the resulting photograph will show an array of colors around your finger.
One fascinating aspect of these photographs is that pictures of a diseased leaf who a completely different type of aura to that of a healthy leaf. This raises the possibility of aura healing.
A 19th century invention, Schlieran photography, originally invented to detect flaws in glass, shows a distinct aura around living things.
Researchers at the City University in London used it to research convection currents around the human body. Their report says: "Starting at the soles of the feet, the air layer moves slowly upward over the body. At the groin and under the armpits it reverses direction briefly. At the shoulders it spurts upward to dissipate in a feathryplume about five inches above the head."
So now religious artists, psychics and scientists all claim they have halos!
The human aura consists of a number of layers, the etheric double, the inner aura and the outer aura.
This is a virtually invisible, slightly greyish line that covers the entire body like a body sock. This aura is generally about 1/16" wide, though it can occasionally be as wide as half an inch. At first it appears to be simply a space between the body and the aura, but a closer examination shows that it is actually a very fine mesh.
This is the brightest part of the aura and extends between two and four inches beyond the etheric double. The aura consists of one main color, assisted by several minor colors. The texture of the inner aura varies between fine and course, depending on the spiritual quality of the individual.
Generally speaking, the finer the texture, the better. The entire inner aura seems to move and swirl in different directions.
The outer aura is oval in shape and encircles the inner like a cocoon. It extends some ten to eighteen inches beyond the inner aura. It is larger around the head and shoulders than at the feet, so can appear to be egg shaped. This aura is more amorphous than the inner aura, but is still in constant motion. It is generally seen as an unclear haze, and often it is impossible to see exactly where it ends. The colors are in pastel shades, rather than the bright colors of the inner aura.
The etheric double, Inner Aura and Outer Aura are generally regarded as representing the complete aura and are the way we are Seeing The Aura.
Some psychics though, claim that they can see two additional layers: The Higher Mental Aura and the Spiritual Aura.
The Higher Mental Aura apparently consists of a magnificent yellow color, with a strange luminescent, ethereal glow. This is probably the halo that surrounds the paintings of saints.
The Spiritual Aura is a clear, colorless light, but one of such purity that it radiates goodness and peace. Energies of yellow light leave it in all directions. Sometimes it is surrounded by a layer of pale blue light.
The Four Subtle Energy Bodies of the Aura
Beyond the physical body are the subtle energy bodies and the uninhibited flow of this subtle energy maintains the physical body. Therefore, knowledge of the extended human energy field - your Aura and Chakras - is imperative for improving your health and well-being. These four subtle energy bodies of consciousness is what defines your personality, your perception, your direction in life, and your soul's expression and are known as the Causal or Spiritual, the Mental, the Emotional and the Etheric Bodies.
The Causal or Spiritual Body
The Auric Body is the body of consciousness and awareness and the Auric Layer is the representation of the chakra interacting in the aura.
The Spiritual Body (the first of the subtle energy bodies) also known as the Causal Body is a body of consciousness associated with your true spiritual path and direction in life. It is your highest potential and reflects your ability to manifest your souls true potential here on earth.
The essence of your soul's reality is the expression "to be" and this ultimately is the reason for your existence. It has the highest vibration of the auric bodies and depending on the development of your spiritual nature, this body can emanate up to three feet from the physical body.
It appears as a whitish glow and contains your true spiritual essence.
"Casual consciousness deals with the essence of a subject while the mental level studies the subject's detail. The casual body deals with the essence of substance and the true causes behind the illusion of appearance... The causal plane is a world of realities... deals with essence and underlying nature of things in question. Healing at this level is more powerful than the mental body." (Gerber)
The Mental Body
The Spiritual body (the second of the subtle energy bodies) is the blueprint to your spiritual potential. However, it requires the creation of patterns of energy for this potential to be expressed and experienced. These patterns of energy are stored in the Mental body as thoughts - both conscious and sub-conscious.
The patterns stored within the mental body creates the character framework for the soul to project its personality. The "self" manifests and expresses concrete intellect through the mental body.
This body appears as a golden yellow light radiating out and around the head and shoulders and extending around the whole body. It expands and becomes brighter when its owner is concentrating on mental processes.
Extending up to twelve inches from the body, the mental body filtrates thoughts down to the emotional body which reacts to the thoughts with an emotional association be it love, fear, happiness, anger, and so forth. A balanced mental body will provide an individual with clarity and direction.
The Emotional or Astral Body
The Emotional Body (the third of the subtle energy bodies) is more fluid and of a higher vibration than the etheric body. It appears as colored clouds in continual motion, reflecting the quality and intensity of the emotions. This is the part of you that likes to "jump out" in times of trauma and shock, to produce a feeling of emotional numbness, which will allow you to slowly integrate the knowledge of the shock in your own way.
The Emotional body, which is also known as the Astral body, is the seat of your emotions. It is the bridge between the mind and the physical body. Your emotional energy governs your fears and hopes, loves and pains. It governs the extent and nature of one's personality expression upon the physical plane.
This body is the projection of your longings, moods, feelings, appetites, and fears. The emotional "self" is the expression of your mental "self" thus the emotional body is the expression of the mental body.
The energy of the emotional body impacts the Etheric body, which in turn impacts the physical body. Consequently emotional blockages prevent the manifestation of clarity of thought and direction in the physical body.
The Etheric Body
The Etheric Body (the fourth of the subtle energy bodies) appears as a bluish-grey colour or shadow, extending approximately one inch from the physical body. It is responsible for the transfer of life energy or vitality from the universal energy field to the physical body.
The Etheric body is a body of Etheric or subtle matter which furnishes the basic blue print for the physical body. Every cell in the physical body has an etheric counterpart.
This body also serves as a filtration system. Universal life force energy filters down through the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Etheric Bodies into the physical body. The Etheric Body is the interface between the physical body and the other subtle bodies of the Aura.
When the flow of this energy is disrupted, the physical body is affected and if this imbalance is not corrected, illness and dis-ease can manifest in the physical body. There is a synergistic relationship between each subtle body of the aura.
Other than the four subtle energy bodies the Aura also has seven distinct layers of energy that are intimately connected to what is known as the Chakra System which is located along the spine.
Your Aura and Colour... did you know that you are as colorful as the most exquisite bird? Find further aura reading material here.
Go to - What is the Aura?
Go to - Seeing the Aura
The Law of Attraction can and does work, all that is required is that you give it something to work with!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
Awarded March 21, 2002 In recognition of creativity, integrity and excellence on the Web. Information on this page taken from How to Read a Man or a Woman Like a Book! by L. A. Justice Also visit LoveMatch and Dating Tips for Introverts These are the right and wrong ways to show the object of your affection that you're interested in getting more personal: Don't
back to the top Is S/he Interested? A man who is interested will ... ... hold your glance a little longer ... make eye contact, look away, then glance again in your direction. It's a sign that he wants to get to know you better. ... touch your arm, hand or shoulder lightly as you talk. The message is "I'm friendly." ... smooth his clothing or run a hand through his hair, which says, "I want to look good for you." ... lean in toward you. ... fondle a chain or cigarette. This is a sign that he wants more intimate contact. ... swagger and flex his muscles. This age-old display of masculinity is not much different than a peacock displaying his tail feathers! ... speak low so only you can hear, thus inviting you into his space and making the conversation exclusive between the two of you. back to the top A woman who is interested will ... ... give a sidelong glance. In this coy, flirtatious gesture, the woman stares boldly while lowering the head and tilting it away, giving the message, "I am shy, yet bold." ... wink! ... run a hand over her exposed leg, indicating that more intimate contact is welcome. ... slip a shoe off and dangle it from the toes -- or remove an earring. These "undressing" signals are very suggestive and inviting. ... touch his thigh or knee. The length of time she allows it to rest there heightens the intensity of desire. Rubbing it back and forth provides a signal that's as clear as it gets. back to the top HEAD TILTING Men and women do this upon meeting. When it is accompanied by a smile, it says, "I'm a friendly person." Tilting the head while listening shows you are very interested. But a backward head tilt says, "I'm superior." Shoulders: The shrug, raising one's shoulders, tilting the head to the side and extending the palms, says, "I give up." It's a way to show you are harmless and approachable. Pigeon Toes: While most people don't look at the feet, standing with toes pointing inward is an inviting gesture. It's the bottom half's counterpart to the shrug. More signals from her: These common body signals are directed toward a guy a woman find attractive.
MORE LOVE SIGNALS Do What I Do: unlike mirroring , which is a sitting or standing posture, isopraxism is "same behavior" -- walking in the same way, eating at the same speed or taking a sip of your drink together. Eyelashes: This gesture is a dead giveaway that the hormones are racing. When the body is aroused, lashes flutter faster than a hummingbird's wings. Mascara and false eyelashes enhance this signal, making it impossible for a man to miss. Self-Touching: When people are unsure of themselves in a social setting, they often wrap their arms around the torso, hugging themselves. This gesture controls anxiety. Likewise, when someone receives a romantic cue, he or she will often touch an earlobe or rub an arm, leg or the chest area. The Smile: A simple, closed mouth smile is a courtesy and nothing more. An upper smile -- where the top teeth show -- is an invitation. An open smile -- where both top and bottom teeth show and the eyes crinkle -- is an out-and-out invitation to get sociable. back to the top SITTING The Sloucher: Cuddling into a chair shows a relaxed attitude toward life. Slouchers are really saying, "I want to be held." The Sprawler: The sprawler is an uninhibited lover who has few hangups about sex. When sprawlers sit, they take up the whole chair with their bodies inviting you in to their party. The Ramrod: This is someone who sits at attention, back straight, knees together and feet planted firmly on the floor. If you're looking for someone who's a free spirit, look elsewhere. The Retreater: Retreaters back into a chair as far as they can, pulling their legs back underneath them. This says, "You're going to have to work hard to make me enjoy this." The Leg Crosser: With legs crossed and knees grasped firmly, the leg crosser is saying, "I need some convincing before this goes any further." While they may not be shy or uninterested in sex, leg crossers simply need a little more time before making a decision. The Squirmer: People who have trouble sitting in one position for any length of time are usually athletic paramours. They clutch, squeeze and changes positions while in bed. Making love becomes a sporting event -- with everyone in the game a winner! The Rebel: A rebel will sit in an unconventional way -- facing backwards, perching on an armrest, perhaps with a foot tucked underneath or better yet on a cozy beanbag chair. These people often look for new and unusual places for lovemaking. back to the top WHEN NOT TO WASTE YOUR TIME The Cold Shoulder: After eye contact is made, one party turns his or her back on the other. This shutting-off gestures says, "I'm not interested." The Cut-Off: Using a more direct approach, a woman comes up to a man face-to-face. If he turns away so he is now sideways to her, the message is, "Go away." It's the same story if this happens when a man approaches a woman. No Reaction: If you encounter a blank stare, tight lips, no smile, fluttering eyelids or fidgeting, you can bet there's no interest. The message is loud and clear, "Move on." Yet amazingly, some men and women find that attitude challenging. Instead of using their energy on someone else who might really care, they banter away trying to soften the stony face. Don't bother. [Nancy's note: They are trained by the stony indifference of a parent to think this is love.] Freezing: This can be different than no reaction. Sometimes a likely love interest is so overwhelmed with the new attention that he or she remains immobile. Or, perhaps, there really is no interest. But how can you tell the difference? If you receive a smile,it's usually a good sign. Tense Lips: This is a sign of displeasure. It's a natural sign of distaste and a negative social cue. If a woman's lips are pursed when a man approaches -- and she may even bite her lower lip -- the message is "back off." back to the top HOW TO WIN HIM/HER Sending signals with your body language can be much more powerful than the spoken word.
When it comes to love and romance, actions speak louder than words. While it may take only a few seconds to size up a person, those few seconds count when you are trying to make a positive first impression on someone from the opposite sex. In these kinds of situations, body language kicks in from the start. Both men and women send out signals. The trick is knowing how to recognize and then interpret those signals. Women seem to have a better understanding of how their signals affect others. Unfortunately, not all men are quite as good at observing what those signals are, and may be even worse at responding to them. The problem is that sometimes men (and women) either miss the signals or get them confused. Releasing EndorphinsA smile is something that radiates from within, telling the other person a lot about your inner feelings. You can’t fake a sincere smile, which is probably why the opposite sex takes it as a genuine show of interest. If your top and bottom teeth show when you smile, you are letting the other person know that you really do want to get sociable. Research tells us that the body releases endorphins when we smile. So not only does smiling make you feel good, it makes the other person feel good, too. A true smile gets the person to trust you as well.Flirting Poses or GesturesA woman who gives a man a lingering look is telling him that she is interested and would like to get to know him better. She may also hold a man’s gaze briefly, turning her body toward him. A slow turn of the head may be perceived by a man as an invitation to come closer.Even though women are more apt to use body language gestures to attract attention, men also exhibit certain postures when flirting. If a man sees a woman he finds attractive, he may try to make himself appear taller and stronger. While some men put their hands on their hips or thumbs in their belt loops in an effort to appear macho, other men may be subtler and do things like running a hand through their hair or playing with their ties. Body position is frequently a clue indicating romantic interest. The other person may either face you directly, or angle his or her body in your direction if interested. Holding the palms of the hands open and upright is another sign that the person is inviting more attention from you. If you are a man, a woman sitting with legs slightly apart may be a signal for you to make a move, especially if she points a knee in your direction. You’ve probably made it to first base if her legs are crossed and she has a foot pointed at you. Getting PhysicalA light touch on the back, shoulder or arm may seem innocent at first, but could mean that the person wants to touch you more. When a man does this he may be telling you that he is friendly, but would like to get more personal.Usually, when a man is attracted to a woman, he can’t resist touching her. A woman may also touch a man’s knee or thigh as an expression of interest. If she wants to get more suggestive, she may remove an earring, or slip off a shoe and dangle it from her toes. Men should know that when a woman’s eyelashes flutter, you’ve got her hormones all stirred up. Another romantic cue is if she touches an earlobe or rubs one of her arms or legs. Someone mimicking your body language is probably the most obvious sign of true interest. Although mimicking is often a subconscious behavior, as the other person might not even realize that he or she is copying your behavior, it generally is a natural instinct when we try to get closer to someone whom we admire. |
Friday, May 20, 2011
The Single Signals - Female Body Language
There are literally dozens of ways that a woman uses her body language to communicate her interest and attraction to a man. Reading female body language can be simple or complex but the real trick is recognising clusters and progressions.
The images shown on this page are some of the most reliable individual signals. However, the use of a single signal by a woman does not indicate total attraction but is rather an indicator of interest. As the individual signals become more frequent, clustered and obvious, the more interested (or desperate) is the woman. For example it's quite common for woman in a nightclub to be subtle in her signalling early in the evening but as the night progresses and she still hasn't attracted a man these signals can become increasingly obvious.
Contrary to what you may have read elsewhere about reading female body language, there is no sure-fire way of perfectly understanding these courtship gestures every time. Women may project them consciously (and sometimes just for sport), or they may be totally unaware of what their bodies are saying. A woman may even show physical interest through her body language because she subconsciously wants to be desired while actually rejecting a suitor because she is consciously aware that she is married. This is self reassurance behaviour.
Reading female body language also requires a high degree of honesty on the part of the man. Many men overreact to simple signals or, because of their desire to be successful, actually see signals that are not really there. One simple and fantastic piece of advice when reading female body language is to take it nice and easy. If her signals are subtle and understated then a man's responses should be just as balanced. If hers fade away then her interest has been lost - if they increase then it's safe for a man to respond in equal measure.
However, before exploring the progression of signals it is vital to be able to recognise some of the basics. For most men "seeing" even the most simple of signals can be challenge. Fear of rejection is the reason. This page should help with reading female body language.
The Head / Hair Toss: The human body is pretty hairless. Other than a gene manipulated cat and near extinct shrew; there are no other mamals that are as hairless as humans. (We don't include fish, reptiles or birds in this analogy.) Long, flowing hair has always been a sign of feminine health and thus sexuality and child bearing ability. By tossing her hair a woman is essentially saying: "look at me and my suitability. I am happy, confident and very healthy!" Long hair is feminine while short hair is masculine. If this wasn't the case why do so many (male) lesbians shave their hair as a statement?
The Lip Nibble: (left) Oh my God! Men love this body language signal. It's origins and the reasons why it works are still a mystery. There is nothing like the Lower Lip Nibble to subconsciously give a man an injection of pure of testosterone. The lower lip is gently gripped by the teeth and with sensual slowness allowed to slip away. Done well and without awareness this can drive a man to his knees - done badly it becomes a parody. Strangely, this is a powerful sex signal between women (lesbians) and is used by the submissive female to indicate interest in the dominant potential partner.
The Hair Flick:(right) Reading female body language has never been easier. For women, twirling or flicking their hair is a favourite flirting gesture. Why this has such an effect on men is a hotly debated subject. The ‘Definitive Book of Body Language’ (Allan and Barbara) allegedly claims that it allows a woman to expose her armpit and thus "waft" pheromones to the man. (Huh?) Another explanation is that it is a casual way of exposing her neck - a well known erogenous zone. Some researchers even claim it attracts attention to her "healthy" hair. We admit it - we just don't know. Still, it's a great signal to watch out for.
Tilt and Smile:(left) This is a classic and is perhaps the most common of flirting and attraction signals. It indicates a submissive, interested and alluring mood on the part of the woman doing it. Most importantly it is "shorthand" for: "I’ve noticed you and I like what I see. I can't look away so I’m sneaking another look. My Smile is to let you know I'm feeling good and want you to know it." Generally the gesture is quite quick and meant to attract attention. If the man doesn't get it after several attempts then the woman usually gives up on him as "just too stupid to mate with".
Neck stroking: (right) The neck is one of a woman's most sensitive and erogenous zones and touching it will attract a man's attention. Why does this work? Well, apparently, men are attracted to soft smooth female skin and the neck is the most socially acceptable to display. Smooth skin is a reliable indicator of both youth and health - critical factors when a male is "hunting" a mate. The neck is also a very sensitive part of the female body and touching it stimulates a gentle, soothing and loving sensation. Try it for yourself by tilting your head to one side and gently stoking the exposed neck. Feels good doesn't it?
Toying or Object Stroking: (above) Psychologists believe that people often transfer inner feelings to external objects. So by stroking the stem of a wine glass (for example) a woman is using female body language to say "stroke me". By running her a pen across her lips she is saying "kiss me". These female body language signals should not be confused with "agitation" gestures that indicate that the woman would rather be somewhere else. The difference is in the speed with which they are performed. Slow and sensual is good - fast and "jerky" is bad. Wine glasses, table ornaments, sun glasses and pens are common objects used for "toying".
Knee Pointing: This signal is about interest and focus. By turning the knees and legs towards a man, a woman is using female body language to indicate the person in which she is currently interested - thus creating a personal space triangle. The outer legs also present a barrier to others who may intrude. Translated, this signal means: "You are the person I am focusing on." Legs and knees that point away are a bad sign - particularly if the knees are aiming at a door. In a sense they become a barrier to the nearby person and an invitation to others. The more leg exposed the more sexual the signal.
The Vagina / Womb Gesture: To the right is a picture of a woman wearing an average pair of jeans and yet the way she has placed her hands is a powerful “turn-on” for some men. The reason is that her hands are creating a frame for her Vagina. Although sometimes mistaken for "male" gesture, her hands are actually "spelling-out" what's on her mind. Her female body language is actually saying: "This is the part of me that I want you to notice. I'm telling you that this area of my body is available for the right man!" It is a confident signal indicating aggressive sexual availability.
Self Stroking / Touching! (above) This is both subtle and obvious at the same time. Essentially it means: "I'm stroking and touching myself because I'd really like to be stroked and touched by you". Also, by touching herself in this way a woman draws a man's attention to those erogenous zones that she thinks are her best assets and will appeal to him. Thighs, neck and ankles are all favourites. It is fair to say that women are very aware of the way that this subconsciously affects men and will do it deliberately. Where it is subconscious it is a truly reliable indicator of a woman's feelings.
The Shoe Dangle: (left) Reading a female use of shoes and her feet as part of her body language could fill a book on its own. We may later dedicate an entire page to this form of subtle communication. The Shoe Dangle is a strong but subtle message to a man. Translated it says: “By half slipping off my shoe I'm indicating that I am relaxed, comfortable and may be willing to undress further." Also, for many men (even those that won't admit it), the female foot is (strangely) attractive. Women worldwide spend Billions of Dollars on footwear and pedicures and they do it for a reason!
Slow Eaters
Boghossian believes that those who dine slowly are wed to routines and are stubborn. They make a point of savoring their food, indicating that they make the most out of every experience. They’re also more likely to put themselves and their needs before anyone else’s. As she puts it, “they are the priority in their lives.”
Fast Eaters
Eating quickly shows a lack of balance when it comes to priorities. Those who finish food before everyone else tend to put other things before themselves. However, they’re also productive powerhouses and excel at finishing projects.
People Who Mix Foods
This type of person can take on a great deal of responsibilities efficiently, but might have trouble deciding what’s most important to accomplish. He or she can also have trouble concentrating on a particular task.
People Who Eat Foods One at a Time
“Task-oriented” and “methodical in approach” are the ways she describes people who eat this way. They’re less flexible when it comes to fitting into situations that deviate from what they’re used to.
Food Habits and Job Skills
Boghossian advises recruiters and hiring managers about what eating traits to look for depending on the job. “The goal of a recruiter is to know what skill sets are most critical to a given position, then seek those traits through an individual’s food habits,” she says. These food habits may provide recruiters some insight.
Cuts Meat All at Once
“Cutting meat [at once] displays an individual that is more methodical, strategic, and forward thinking,” she writes in her Web site’s advice column. This type of person is well-suited for positions that require logical thinking and precision. Fields such as engineering, accounting, or computer technology would be perfect fits.
Enjoys Trying New Foods
Those excited about sampling different cuisines would do well in creative positions because they’re willing to explore new paths and will be more likely to go against the grain in terms of ideas.
Asking questions about the menu is also indicative of an open-minded person. Watch out for people who pre-season their foods or don’t even glance at the menu before ordering—they’re more likely to be stubborn and less likely to embrace change.
What It Comes Down To
However, Boghossian is quick to point out that these attributes don’t speak to the character of the person. “You can’t single out one food habit as altogether negative; there are always pros and cons to every behavior,” she reasons. In other words, my love of blending foods and my mom’s abhorrence of said love doesn’t make either one of us a bad person—it just makes us different (and qualified for different jobs, apparently).
perfume and personality
Perfumes are as much a part of your fashion style as the accessories you choose. And like your fashion choices, the fragrance you choose says a lot about your personality.
Designer fragrances are like designer handbags, with different styles for day and night, summer and winter. And your perfume can say a lot about your mood.
It can take some time to find your "signature scent", but let's face it, shopping for the best perfume is lots of fun.
So How Do You Discover Your Signature Scent?
Although testing new perfumes first thing in the morning can sound a bit yuk, it's always best to try out perfumes when your skin is fresh and clean. And you've got to try them on your skin, not a test strip. The ingredients in fragrances react to the oils in our skin, and that is what gives them their unique qualities, so it's best to know how a perfume will smell on your skin not just immediately, but after a couple of hours too.
Spray a small amount of perfume on the inside of your arm, where your skin is particularly fine, and wait a few moments before you smell it, to let the alcohol settle and the fragrance develop. Don't rub the perfume, as you can "bruise" the delicate ingredients.
Perfume goes through three stages - top notes, made up of the essences you will first notice. Then the middle notes and finally the bottom notes.
There are 6 perfume categories:
Floral - Flowers are the dominant theme and florals tend to be light and feminine. Wear a floral scent when you're feeling feminine and girly.
Fruity - Imbued with the aroma of fresh fruits. Wear a fruity aroma for a fresh, "just picked from the vine" day.
Greens - Fresh, energetic and light fragrances, with a natural smell. Wear green scents on great-to-be-alive days.
Oceanic - Smells reminiscent of the sea, fresh, natural and light. Oceanic fragrances work well on the weekends when you're out and about.
Woody - Deep, lusty perfume with the aroma of bark, leaves and all things woody. Wear woody scents when you're feeling sensual and exotic. Great hot-date perfume!
Oriental - Intense, sexy and rich with the opulent smells of spices, musk, vanilla and heavy flowers. Wear Orientals when you want to be remembered long afterwards.
Fragrance Tips
Blends of floral and citrus-based fragrances are recommended for casual and daywear. Spicy, woody or warm amber-based fragrances are traditionally favorites for evening and special occasions.
The fresh florals, greens and oceanic fragrances work beautifully in warmer weather, while the deep, sensuous fragrances of the woody and oriental scents are enhances during the cooler months.
People wear fragrances for a number of reasons such as to be attractive, seductive to improve their mood to feel refreshed and even as a self-confidence improver. The most important goal should be to pick a personal fragrance that meets your individual needs. Your scent of choice should always be a compliment to your personality, never something overbearing.
How To Understand Perfume Personalities — Everyone has his or her own unique fragrance personality. This fragrance personality describes why some people enjoy perfumes that are fruity while others prefer florals, musks or oriental aromas.
Some fragrance marketers believe that the type of music a person listens to, the colors they favor and even the activities they take part in all influence the fragrances they choose to wear.
Individuals who enjoy classical music, who vacation in rural settings and who favor the color pink, are often found to love the feminine aroma of floral scents.
How To Understand Perfume Personalities
How To Understand Perfume Personalities
How To Understand Perfume Personalities
A day at the beach, sushi, and a love of the color blue is often found in those who enjoy the clean, refreshing aroma of an ocean scent. On the flip side, are the people who are stylish jetsetters at heart, who love intense spicy foods and long passionate nights. These people will be found reaching for a fragrance that has a deep woody aroma.
Being an introvert or an extrovert goes a long way in influencing the fragrance that would be best suited for your personality. It is important to let your sense of smell guide you in picking your fragrance, however, make certain to let your unique qualities lead you as well.
How To Understand Perfume Personalities
How To Understand Perfume Personalities
People wear fragrances for a number of reasons such as to be attractive, seductive to improve their mood to feel refreshed and even as a self-confidence improver. The most important goal should be to pick a personal fragrance that meets your individual needs. Your scent of choice should always be a compliment to your personality, never something overbearing.
How To Understand Perfume Personalities — Everyone has his or her own unique fragrance personality. This fragrance personality describes why some people enjoy perfumes that are fruity while others prefer florals, musks or oriental aromas.
Some fragrance marketers believe that the type of music a person listens to, the colors they favor and even the activities they take part in all influence the fragrances they choose to wear.
Feminine Perfume Personality
Individuals who enjoy classical music, who vacation in rural settings and who favor the color pink, are often found to love the feminine aroma of floral scents.Fruity Perfume Personality
People who love rock music and the color yellow and who will pamper themselves with activities such as a day at the spa are often found to like a fruity type of fragrance. R & B music fans that like the color green and who’s ideal get away would be something like a lakeside resort, lean towards fragrances that derive from the natural oils in the stem of plants and leaves.How To Understand Perfume Personalities
Oriental Perfume Personality
People that listen to jazz as their music of choice and vacation in exotic locations and pick purple as their favorite color often opt for scents that are oriental. The fragrances these individuals pick are composed of ingredients containing heavy flowers, musk and vanilla. Oriental scents also referred to, as ambers are sexy, passionate, and powerful.How To Understand Perfume Personalities
Woody Perfume Peronality
How To Understand Perfume PersonalitiesA day at the beach, sushi, and a love of the color blue is often found in those who enjoy the clean, refreshing aroma of an ocean scent. On the flip side, are the people who are stylish jetsetters at heart, who love intense spicy foods and long passionate nights. These people will be found reaching for a fragrance that has a deep woody aroma.
Being an introvert or an extrovert goes a long way in influencing the fragrance that would be best suited for your personality. It is important to let your sense of smell guide you in picking your fragrance, however, make certain to let your unique qualities lead you as well.
How To Understand Perfume Personalities
Delicate Perfume Personality
Your personality and fragrance choices should connect well to best impact the effect you have on others. For example, people who are sporty will often choose fragrances that are fresh light and clean. These perfumes allow the individual a delicate scent without being too heavy or overbearing.How To Understand Perfume Personalities
Sensual Perfume Personality
People who are very outgoing and optimistic typically enjoy fragrances that are fruity. While sensual personalities will lead to sensual scents that make a confident statement about who they are. As can be expected, one naturally goes with the other, therefore, these individuals opt for musky perfumes that have a long-lasting effect, especially on members of the opposite sex.COLOR n PERSONALITY
Whether we’re a vibrant Orange, or a peaceful Blue, our color preferences are a key to understanding our personalities. Find out what this color expert has to say about your favorite color. What does it reveal about who you really are?
White: Symbolic of purity, innocence and naivete, white has strong connotations of youth and purity. If you are an older person, your preference for white could indicate a desire for perfection and impossible ideals, maybe an attempt to recapture lost youth and freshness. It may also symbolize a desire for simplicity or the simple life.
Red: The color of strength, health, and vitality, Red is often the color chosen by someone outgoing, aggressive, vigorous and impulsive—or someone who would like to be! It goes with an ambitious nature but those who choose it can be abrupt at times, determined to get all they can out of life, quick to judge people and take sides. Red people are usually optimistic and can’t stand monotony; they are rather restless and not at all introspective, so they may be unaware of their own shortcomings. They find it hard to be objective and may blame others for any mishaps. Quiet people with a preference for red may feel the need for the warmth, strength and life-giving qualities of the color, or they blanket their true feelings under a sober exterior. Red is usually chosen by people with open and uncomplicated natures, with a zest for life.
Maroon: Harsh experience has probably matured the Maroon person into someone likable and generous. It is often a favorite color of someone who has been battered by life but has come through. It indicates a well-disciplined Red personality—one who has had difficult experiences and has not come through unmarked but who has grown and matured in the process
PINK .color embodies the gentler qualities of Red, symbolizing love and affection without passion. Women who prefer Pink tend to be maternal. Pink desires protection, special treatment and a sheltered life. Pink people require affection and like to feel loved and secure, perhaps wanting to appear delicate and fragile. Pink people tend to be charming and gentle, if a trifle indefinite.
- Orange: This color of luxury and pleasure appeals to the flamboyant and fun-loving person who likes a lively social round. Orange people may be inclined to dramatize a bit, and people notice them, but they are generally good-natured and popular. They can be a little fickle and vacillating, but on the whole they try hard to be agreeable. Orange is the color of youth, strength, fearlessness, curiosity and restlessness.
Yellow: The color of happiness, wisdom and imagination, Yellow is chosen by the mentally adventurous, searching for novelty and self-fulfillment. Yellow usually goes with a sunny and shrewd personality, with a good business head and a strong sense of humor. It is the color of intellectuality and all things to do with the mind. Yellow folks are usually clear and precise thinkers who have a good opinion of their own mental capacities and who have lofty ideals. They may at times tend to shun responsibility, preferring freedom of thought and action.
Green: The color of harmony and balance, Green symbolizes hope, renewal and peace, and is usually liked by the gentle and sincere. Greens are generally frank, community-minded people, fairly sociable but preferring peace at any price. Green people can be too self-effacing, modest and patient, so they may get exploited by others. They are usually refined, civilized and reputable.Blue: Soft, soothing, compassionate and caring, Blue is the color of deliberation and introspection, conservatism and duty. Patient, persevering, conscientious, sensitive and self-controlled, Blues like to be admired for their steady character and wisdom. They are faithful, but are often worriers with somewhat inflexible beliefs and can be too cautious, and suspicious of flamboyant behavior.
Blue-Green: Exacting, discriminating, poised and attractive, the Blue-Green person tends to be sensitive, intellectual and refined, persevering and stable if rather detached. Blue-Greens have excellent taste, and are usually courteous and charming, capable but often refusing help or guidance.
Turquoise: Complex, imaginative and original, Turquoise people drive themselves hard and may be in a state of turmoil under their outwardly cool exterior.
Lavender: This is often chosen by a person who lives “on a higher plane,” who never notices anything sordid and who is always impeccably and beautifully dressed. Lavender people may be on a continual quest for culture and the refined things of life, high and noble causes but without the necessity of getting their hands dirty. A Lavender person is usually creative, charming, witty and civilized.
Purple: Purples are highly individual, fastidious, witty and sensitive, with a strong desire to be unique and different. Temperamental, expansive and artistic, a Purple person may become aloof and sarcastic when misunderstood. If you chose Purple, you tend to be unconventional, tolerant and dignified, likely to achieve positions of authority.
Brown: A Brown person has stamina and patience, tending to be very solid and substantial, conscientious, dependable, steady and conservative. Browns are not impulsive, and may be inarticulate and tactless but they love responsibility and are reliable and kindly. If you chose Brown, watch out for a tendency to be obstinate and inflexible.
Gray: The color of caution and compromise, diligent Grays search for composure and peace and often work hard without reward. Older Grays like life to run on an even keel with few ups and downs. Young Grays may be withdrawing from life and suppressing their personalities. Grays often have good business ability and tend to work too much.
Black: Dignified and impressive without being showy, Black people want to give the appearance of mystery, but their preference may also indicate a suppression of desires and worldly aims, suggesting hidden depths and inner longings.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Some character traits may be found in one of the most common voice types. The fun part is in trying to pigeon-hole what the voice type is and how it matches one’s personality.
Husky - passionate and intriguing individuals
Soft - quiet and reserved Strong - assertive and adventurous
Deep - compelling, natural leader
Childlike - warm, compassionate and enthusiastic
In most cases, people were born with a particular voice type which falls in either of the categories mentioned. This is a result of a combination between or among factors like the physiological makeup of your voice box, heredity, body structure and core personality.
Some character traits may be found in one of the most common voice types. The fun part is in trying to pigeon-hole what the voice type is and how it matches one’s personality.
Husky - passionate and intriguing individuals
Soft - quiet and reserved Strong - assertive and adventurous
Deep - compelling, natural leader
Childlike - warm, compassionate and enthusiastic
In most cases, people were born with a particular voice type which falls in either of the categories mentioned. This is a result of a combination between or among factors like the physiological makeup of your voice box, heredity, body structure and core personality.
Maintaining eye contact is a sign of respect and interest towards the other person. If someone is talking and you make sure you are keeping your eyes focused on them then this will make them feel that you are in fact interested in what they have to say.
Another body language is your facial expression. If you are always frowning, this would indicate that you have a negative aura, and this will push others away. Whereas if you are constantly seen smiling, you are going to attract other sunny and happy people to you.
Posture is also very important. You need to sit properly, avoid slouching, and if you can, keep an open posture at all times, leaning towards the speaker whenever necessary, to show that you are interested.
Fidgeting. This would only indicate nervousness and will make the other person doubt your credibility or your ability.
• Standing too close. When you are too close to someone, physically, it will make the other person uncomfortable and will also trigger them to think you are invading their personal space.
• Staring. Though it may not always be the case, staring is considered rude. While you maintain eye contact towards the other person, do not overdo it to the point of staring.
• Crossing your arms. This would indicate resistance on your part, so if someone is talking to you and you are crossing your arms, you will make the other person think that you really are not agreeing to what they have to say and you are making it known to them.
Another body language is your facial expression. If you are always frowning, this would indicate that you have a negative aura, and this will push others away. Whereas if you are constantly seen smiling, you are going to attract other sunny and happy people to you.
Posture is also very important. You need to sit properly, avoid slouching, and if you can, keep an open posture at all times, leaning towards the speaker whenever necessary, to show that you are interested.
Fidgeting. This would only indicate nervousness and will make the other person doubt your credibility or your ability.
• Standing too close. When you are too close to someone, physically, it will make the other person uncomfortable and will also trigger them to think you are invading their personal space.
• Staring. Though it may not always be the case, staring is considered rude. While you maintain eye contact towards the other person, do not overdo it to the point of staring.
• Crossing your arms. This would indicate resistance on your part, so if someone is talking to you and you are crossing your arms, you will make the other person think that you really are not agreeing to what they have to say and you are making it known to them.
Hair is often an excellent predictor of someone’s self-image and lifestyle
Hairstyle is part of the whole package that offers tips on personality, behavior, and lifestyle.
When a man’s hair is carefully cut, blow-dried, and hair sprayed, it could indicate that he’s into the power image. A man who pays close attention to his hair may also have expensive or trendy clothes, shoes, accessories, and toys. Reading body language in this case isn’t difficult: this man is probably vain and wants to impress others.
Very short hair on a man could indicate that he’s practical, plays sports, is conservative, is in the military, is recovering from medical treatment, or works for an organization that requires short hair (such as the police or fire department). A man who deliberately shaves his head bald is an extreme example of "very short hair."
How a man deals with hair loss shows his personality. If he uses extreme comb overs or obvious hairpieces, he may have poor judgment. He simply doesn’t realize how he looks to others, and he thinks people won’t notice.
Hair replacement surgery and hair plugs to replace hair loss may indicate a lack of self-acceptance and vanity. Men who go to the extent of surgery to look younger and more attractive may struggle with self-esteem and insecurity
Baseball caps, hats, and ponytails on a balding man can also indicate resistance to growing older (or growing up). But bear in mind that many balding men have to wear a hat outdoors to avoid sunburn on their scalp or for warmth in cold weather. If the hat stays on indoors, that’s another story. The wearer may be self-conscious and insecure because of his hair loss.
The length, style, volume and color of your hair can reveal your personality traits. Hairstyle can be one of the easiest types of nonverbal communication to decipher.
Short hair that is carefully cut and styled may reveal an artistic personality. Most high-maintenance hairstyles indicate financial well-being; short hair that requires regular cuts and dyes may reveal that the woman cares about her appearance, and is willing to spend a significant amount of money to look good.
“Spending a significant percentage of one’s income on hair – or any other aspect of personal appearance – suggests vanity, a need for acceptance, concern about others’ perceptions, and possibly insecurity
Women who are over 40 years old and wear their hair long may not resist growing up. Dimitrius writes, “Sometimes women with this trait are caught in a time warp and still think of themselves as teenagers or college students rather than as grown-ups. Such women may be fairly unrealistic in their outlook on life as well as in their perception of themselves.”
Women who have long hair may believe it makes them more sexually appealing. Long hair could also reveal a bohemian spirit or freedom from conventional expectations.
Women who let their hair go gray naturally – or who dye it gray or white – are likely to be comfortable with their age and who they are as women. Generally speaking, they decide for themselves what they like and what looks good on them (unless of course they are allergic to hair dye. In this case, gray hair doesn’t reveal personality traits).
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
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Interpretation of character and fate from the study of a person's face is called 'Physiognomy' or 'Face reading'. It is obvious that when we meet an unknown person, we try to understand his feelings by looking at his face. So the origin of Physiognomy traces back to the date of origin of human beings. Indications of a person's progress in yogic path are described with respect to Physiognomy in Hindu text 'Svetasvatara Upanishad', composed earlier than 500 B.C. According to Hindus, Samudra (deity of oceans) have first given 'Anga Samudrika' (Body language). King Prahlada has contributed a lot to this subject. Chinese texts dating back 300 B.C., mention Physiognomy.
Socrates(470-399 B.C.) was a great physiognomist. The first book on Physiognomy 'Displaying the Secrets of Nature Relating to Physiognomy' was written by Aristotle(384-322 B.C.). As it was mentioned by Marco Polo, the Arabs also practised physiognomy. Physician and philosopher Avicenna(980-1037 A.D.) has written about Physiognomy in his book 'De animalibus'. Michael Scot(1175-1232 A.D.), court astrologer to Emperor FrederickII, also composed a book 'De hominis phisiognomun', which was printed in 1477 and became best seller for years together. Italian doctor d'Abano(1250-1316) also wrote many books on both Astrology and Physiognomy. During sixteenth century many authors have written books on this subject. Gerolamo Cardano, born in Italy in 1501, wrote many books on Medicine, Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Astrology, Dream Analysis, and Physiognomy. Cardano believed that a person's character and fate are symbolized by the shape, lines, and markings of his or her forehead. He wrote a total of 13 books on the subject of forehead reading. In 1586, Porta published 'De humana physiognoma' in which he compares the likenesses of human beings to certain animals. He says if some one resembles a particular animal, he will also have the same tendencies and temperament of that animal. Kaspar Lavater(1741-1801) was regarded as the founder of the modern Physiognomy for his tremendous work in this subject. Later on Cesare Lombroso has made this subject more popular.
By observing the face of a person as a whole, we can get a keen idea of how his life would be in general, starting from childhood till his old age.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
DREAMS n significance
The Simplest Method for Interpreting a Dream in which you are an active participant in the dream
The best way to interpret this dream is to start with the first symbol and try to interpret that. Then go on to the next symbol, and so on. Continually ask the question, "In what way am I experiencing this symbol in my life at this time?"
A Method for Interpreting Dreams in a Group
1. With the group leader presiding over the interaction, interpret two or three dreams using the following approach.
The Key Question Approach Leading to Heart Revelation (guided self-discovery):
a) Write the dreamer's name on the top right corner of the blackboard so everyone can address him or her by name. Have the dreamer standing or sitting in the front of the room, available to answer questions from the group. (I use this method in my Christian University and Online Bible College classes, thus the reference to a classroom setting. If you are not in such a setting then you can substitute resources that you have at your disposal.)
b) The dreamer reads the dream aloud twice. While the dream is being read, someone writes on a blackboard the key elements and events of the dream, leaving space between each. If no blackboard is present, each member of the group should create a list on a paper for their own reference.
c) Ask the dreamer:
* "What was the key feeling in the dream?"
* "What was the key action in the dream?"
* "In what area of your life are you experiencing these?"
* This will give the dreamer and the group a reference point as to the setting of the dream, and what issue is likely being discussed. The answers to these questions can be listed across the top of the blackboard after the phrases "Key Feeling" and "Key Action."
d) Beginning with the first event/element of the dream and continuing to the last one, listeners then ask questions like the following:
* What is the dominant trait of that person?
* What emotion does that animal represent to you?
* In what way are you experiencing (the event described in the dream) in your life at this time.
e) If the dreamer cannot come up with an answer to any of the above questions:
* Remind him to relax and tune to flowing thoughts, rather than analytical thoughts, thus moving from his mind to his heart.
* Have the group brainstorm ("heart storm"), offering suggestions of what the item in the dream might mean. These are listed on the board.
* The dreamer then comes to the board and draws a line through the ones that definitely do not ring true in his heart, and circles the ones which his heart leaps to, offering any interpretation God is revealing to him.
2. Break the class into groups of four to six and have them work for two to three hours on dreams of individuals within their groups. Follow the "Rules for Interpreting Dreams in a Group" given above. Instruct the groups to use "The Key Question Approach." If they need help, they should raise their hand to attract the attention of the classroom leader to come and work with their group.
When the seminar/classroom leader is not assisting a specific group, he should rotate from group to group making sure things are progressing well in each.
Warnings About Dreams and Visions???
1. There are no warnings in the Bible to beware of your own dreams, with the possible exception of Ecclesiastes 5:3,7, which is probably best understood as a reference to "daydreams" since all other references in the Bible to "dreams" are positive. When one verse contradicts many others, you need to seek to understand that one verse in light of the volume of references on the other side of the topic.
2. The only biblical caution concerning dreams, then, is when you are listening to another's dream. They may be trying to lead you astray, to go after other gods
The Simplest Method for Interpreting a Dream in which you are an active participant in the dream
The best way to interpret this dream is to start with the first symbol and try to interpret that. Then go on to the next symbol, and so on. Continually ask the question, "In what way am I experiencing this symbol in my life at this time?"
A Method for Interpreting Dreams in a Group
1. With the group leader presiding over the interaction, interpret two or three dreams using the following approach.
The Key Question Approach Leading to Heart Revelation (guided self-discovery):
a) Write the dreamer's name on the top right corner of the blackboard so everyone can address him or her by name. Have the dreamer standing or sitting in the front of the room, available to answer questions from the group. (I use this method in my Christian University and Online Bible College classes, thus the reference to a classroom setting. If you are not in such a setting then you can substitute resources that you have at your disposal.)
b) The dreamer reads the dream aloud twice. While the dream is being read, someone writes on a blackboard the key elements and events of the dream, leaving space between each. If no blackboard is present, each member of the group should create a list on a paper for their own reference.
c) Ask the dreamer:
* "What was the key feeling in the dream?"
* "What was the key action in the dream?"
* "In what area of your life are you experiencing these?"
* This will give the dreamer and the group a reference point as to the setting of the dream, and what issue is likely being discussed. The answers to these questions can be listed across the top of the blackboard after the phrases "Key Feeling" and "Key Action."
d) Beginning with the first event/element of the dream and continuing to the last one, listeners then ask questions like the following:
* What is the dominant trait of that person?
* What emotion does that animal represent to you?
* In what way are you experiencing (the event described in the dream) in your life at this time.
e) If the dreamer cannot come up with an answer to any of the above questions:
* Remind him to relax and tune to flowing thoughts, rather than analytical thoughts, thus moving from his mind to his heart.
* Have the group brainstorm ("heart storm"), offering suggestions of what the item in the dream might mean. These are listed on the board.
* The dreamer then comes to the board and draws a line through the ones that definitely do not ring true in his heart, and circles the ones which his heart leaps to, offering any interpretation God is revealing to him.
2. Break the class into groups of four to six and have them work for two to three hours on dreams of individuals within their groups. Follow the "Rules for Interpreting Dreams in a Group" given above. Instruct the groups to use "The Key Question Approach." If they need help, they should raise their hand to attract the attention of the classroom leader to come and work with their group.
When the seminar/classroom leader is not assisting a specific group, he should rotate from group to group making sure things are progressing well in each.
Warnings About Dreams and Visions???
1. There are no warnings in the Bible to beware of your own dreams, with the possible exception of Ecclesiastes 5:3,7, which is probably best understood as a reference to "daydreams" since all other references in the Bible to "dreams" are positive. When one verse contradicts many others, you need to seek to understand that one verse in light of the volume of references on the other side of the topic.
2. The only biblical caution concerning dreams, then, is when you are listening to another's dream. They may be trying to lead you astray, to go after other gods
10 Dream Symbols that show up when we're stressed out.
When stress rears its ugly head in our lives sometimes we are successful in dealing with it, but sometimes it gets the better of us. At times the stress we're experiencing takes its toll and we even start to lose sleep over it. During these times, we will often start noticing the expression of our pain show up in our dreams. Learning to interpret your dreams is essential to be able to understand and identify your stresses and live a more peaceful and fulfilling life.
The following are common dream symbols that appear in our dreams in times of stress:
Feeling rage in a dream is all about repressed emotions, usually negative ones, and letting you know you need to get release and express them in a positive way, as they are ‘eating you up inside'.
Falling dreams are often about a loss of control and feelings of insecurities. When you are falling in a dream you feel like you can't do anything to help yourself.
Dreams that involve fighting are usually indicative that there are conflicts going on in your life. These can be emotional conflicts or real conflicts with other people etc.
Storms are generally representing repressed emotion and internal struggle. The type of storm it is may also bring further insight into the particular stresses that you are experiencing.
Teeth (losing or missing them)
Teeth are one of the most commonly dreamt about symbols. Here they are about loss of confidence and insecurities you are experiencing.
Being lost
Repeatedly getting lost in your dreams represents your own confusions about which direction to go in life and the insecurities you have about making decisions.
Being late
Being late in a dream can indicate that you are worried about missing out on something or not connecting with a good opportunity.
Nudity in inappropriate places in dreams is usually about feelings of insecurities, vulnerability and feeling exposed.
These dreams are all about loss of control, feeling that you are at the end of your rope with something.
Running/Being chased
One of the most common type of dreams when we are stressed these dreams are all about fear. They are an indication that there is an area in your life that is intimidating to you and you need to confront it.
Amazing and Interesting Facts About Dreams!
Though some people claim they cannot recall any dreams ever, everybody does in fact dream. Our dreams can and should be interpreted for their dream meanings and much to our lives!
People have on average about 5 dreams per night.
On average, you will have spent about six years dreaming during your lifetime.
Brain waves are more active while dreaming, then when awake.
Dreams occur during the part of sleep called REM (Rapid Eye Movement).
REM sleep (the time when we are dreaming) can last as little as 5 minutes or as long as two hours.
During REM sleep there is increased breathing and heart rate and involuntary muscle jerks. During Non REM sleep the person is relatively still.
The body is prevented of acting out our dreams, due to a physiological response that happens when we fall into REM sleep that causes a temporary from of paralysis.
Dreams are forgotten quickly. If not recalled within 5 minutes from the dream ending, at least half of the dream content will be lost. Waiting as long as 10 minutes may cause you to only remember a mere 10% of the dream.
If awakened directly during or from REM sleep, a person can recall their dream much more vividly than if asked to recall once they awaken in the morning.
REM sleep (dreaming) is essential to our well being. Studies done where people were deprived of their REM sleep found that after only 3 days, there was a marked decrease in the ability to concentrate, increased irritability as well as hallucinations.
If you are deprived of REM sleep one night, your body will make up for it by spending more time in REM sleep the next night.
Only about 80% of people dream in colour. The others dream almost exclusively in black and white.
There are several ‘common dreams' that people have, including being chased, falling, running slowly/in place and having teeth falling out.
The most common setting for a dream to take place is inside a house.
Noises, stimuli or circumstances from our outside reality or physical bodies are often incorporated into our dreams.
People that are blind dream using their heightened senses such as hearing, tasting, smelling, touching as well as with their emotions. They can see visually in a dream as well, if they lost their sight later in life.
While in REM sleep, women tend to dream about both sexes, while men seem to dream more about their own gender. As well, both women and men experience increased sexually related physical reactions during their dreams, regardless of what their dream content is.
Things we learn right before going to sleep can be remembered easier than what we learn earlier in the day.
The first recorded dreams are from as far back as 4000 BC
5 Different Types of Dreams
Regular - These dreams can be anything from crazy mixed up dream scenarios to movie like dreams that play out like real life. They are interesting and often full of fabulous or outrageous events and things, however usually stem from things like T.V programs, conversations with others and books/magazines etc., that we've read over the past several day. They arenot usually of any particular importance, nor do they hold any real or important meanings for the dreamer to gain. Enjoy these entertaining dreams!
Factual - a re-enacting of an event, area or circumstance you are currently aware of in your waking life. These dreams are usually fairly straight forward, in that they play out situations that the dreamer is already aware of, with no 'hidden meanings' to uncover. They are just a redigestion of information already in our concious minds.
Forewarning - These dreams often seem to suggest or give notice of an impending danger or unwelcome circumstances to come. These dreams can help us prepare for these events so they are less traumatic.
Prophetic/Visionary - These dreams usually foretell of important events to come. Often these dreams have an unusual clarity and vividness about them.
Inspirational/Therapeutic - these dreams are often re-interpretations of situations, relationships or circumstances in your life where you need to find a solution or decide on a course of action. This type of dream will usually serve to help you understand the situation better, or see it in a new light. Often times these dreams are the ones that lead us in a new direction in life with more hope and conviction that we are on the right path
20 Most common Dream Symbols
05 October 2009 Last Updated on 19 January 2011
There are certain common themes that people have reoccuring dreams about.
Having a reoccuring dream means you are not getting the message that your dream (sub-conciousness) is trying to give you.
If you can analyize the dream and relate it to your life, you may find you can solve a particular problem or correct a situation gone wrong. Usually, if we figure it out in 'real life', we will usually have it figured out in our dreams, and cease to have the reoccuring dream in the first place.
The following is a list of some of the most common reoccuring dreams.
Boyfriend / Girlfriend
Running/Being chased
Body parts
Lost/Missing people or objects
To dream about coming in contact with feces suggests there are certain negative or unclean qualities about your personality that you believe are repulsive to others. You should deal with your feelings and not hide them, regardless of whether they bring you embarrassment or shame. Let go of the negative emotions in life. This dream can also indicate someone in your life who is anal retentive.
To dream that you are unable to dispose of feces indicates that your are not ready to release or reveal your emotions. You tend to keep things bottled up inside.
According to Freud, feces represents pride, shame, economic situations, belligerence, and ownership.
To dream about a toilet indicates a cleansing of thoughts, or discarding something that you don't need any longer.
To dream that a toilet is clogged means that you are being secretive your thoughts. They are crying out to be discharged.
To dream that a toilet is overflowing represents your wish to mentally let yourself go.
To dream that you are naked suggests fear of exposure and wrong opinions.
To dream of suddenly realizing your nudity, coupled with your attempts to cover up, suggests susceptibility to a situation.
To dream of being disgusted at the sight of a naked person represents anxiety about realizing the truth regarding the person or condition. This may symbolize your worries about a possible love affair, loss of fame, and indiscretions. On the other hand, to acknowledge another person's nakedness signifies full acceptance of that person. To dream of feeling indifferent about another person's nudity suggest the need to bravely face rejection.
To dream that you are undressing yourself signifies either a possible separation from someone you love or a possible shameful activity.
To see someone else undress represents a loss of wealth and adoration, and gaining some bad luck.
To dream that someone is undressing you represents stolen enjoyments and perilous flirtations.
To dream that you are stripping suggests that you are reserved and introverted. You would like to be able
To dream about your own sexuality symbolizes the mysteries of our existence. Matters regarding life and death may be causing you some concern. In addition, it indicates that you may worry that you are no longer attractive to the opposite sex.
To dream of Satyr suggests that you are yearning to express your sexuality rather than keep those feelings and desires pent up.
To dream of an orgasm symbolizes an electrifying conclusion to something. What is absolute for you? On the other hand, it may represent the lack of sex in your life and your need to express
To dream of the dead warns that you could be surrounded by too many negative individuals, and that you are staying in touch with the wrong people. You could lose things because of this. This dream may also be a way to help you deal with the loss of certain people.
If you dream about those long passed, this means that a relationship or current circumstance is similar to that long-lost person. It could be that you simply need to let go of this current situation and allow it to die.
To see your dead parents in your dream signifies the apprehension of their ultimate fate or the way you are handling the loss. You may simply need one more chance to bid them farewell.
To dream about a dead sibling, relative, or acquaintance, suggests that you are longing for them and attempting to revive the times you shared. As you move through life, dreams offer an opportunity to deal with issues involving loss and grieving.
To dream of the sight of your relatives denotes personal involvement with your family, and the emotions associated with them. This dream mirrors some aspects about yourself.
To drLove
To dream of love symbolizes strong emotions brought by a current relationship in your waking life. It suggests joy and satisfaction with your present state in life. This may also connote the opposite, particularly a yearning to get into a romantic relationship and experience the bliss of being loved unconditionally.
To dream of a couple in love suggests that success is within reach.
To dream that your friend is in love with you indicates that you are romantically interested in your friend. You might have fallen in love with your best friend and cannot take your mind off the possibilities of taking your platonic relationship to a different level. Alternatively, the dream may also imply that you have come to recognize certain traits of your best friend and integrated them into your own character.
To dream that you are making love in public indicates a gush of sexual urges and desires. This might be a call to let go of certain inhibitions in expressing how you truly feel. Then again, your dream may be a reflection of how you see your own sexuality as it relates to political and social standards. You may be confused with your notion of relationships, sex, marriage, love, and gender differences/roles.
To dream of a gala is an
To dream that you are in a flood indicates that you should let go of some sexual fantasies. If the flood is raging, then there are emotional concerns or problems that need to be dealt with. You have hidden your feelings and they are overwhelming you. The location of the flood can relate to the area of your life that is creating anxiety. This dream may also suggest that you are overwhelming other people with your strong ideas and orders.
To dream about floods ravaging a large area and bearing down on you represents illness, failure in business, or a terrible situation within your relationship or marriage.
To dream about a gentle flood suggests that your concerns about a particular situation will soon be washed away.
To dream of a landslide symbolizes emotions you have been pushing back for a while. These emotions continue to build up and may soon manifest in an emotional overload. Your pent-up emotions might take the form of a violent outburst. The landslide in your dream may also represent the anxieties, worries, and responsibilities you carry in life.
To dream
To dream that you are flying generally suggests a feeling of being unencumbered where previously you may have been held down.
To dream that you are flying with ease and enjoying the view indicates that you are dealing with circumstances well. You have elevated above some situation and you may have found a different point of view on things. Dreams of flying and managing your flight is indicative of your own sense of empowerment.
If you're dreaming that you are having trouble staying in flight can represent a feeling of powerlessness. You may not feel as though you control your destiny. Things may be feeling as though they are getting the best of you. Barriers like power lines, tress, or mountains can represents people or things in life that are blocking your progress. You need to figure out who these people are.
If the landscape below your flight is full of green life then you will endure momentary humiliation but once that is past, then you will reap rewards.
To dream about seeing the sun while you're flying suggests concerns that have no power over you since you will succeed in spite of them.
To dream about flying through the firmament passing the moon and other planets indicates starvation, war, and the tragedies of ancient periods.
To dream that you are flying with black wings indicates that you may encounter terrible setbacks.
To fall while you're flying represents your ruin. If you wake while you are falling, then you will manage to pull yourself back up and reestablish yourself.
To dream about driving a car indicates your will to succeed, your determination, and your talents for moving from one aspect of your life to a different one. You should consider how rough or smooth the ride in this car is. It also depends whether you are the driver or just along for the ride. This will represent your role in life as either a participant or an observer. If you are in the backseat, this represents your low self-image and that you are allowing those around you to take control of your direction. You need to evaluate your self-esteem issues. This dream represents the level at which you are dependent upon others and the amount of direction you maintain within your own life.
To dream that your car is stolen suggests that your personality is being taken away from you. This could be related to a loss of employment, relationship, or another circumstance in which your sense of self plays a role. If your car is overheating, you may be spending too much effort and should take it easy or risk burning out. You could be accepting too much responsibility and this will lend itself to destruction.
To dream about being in a parked car represents that you should focus your energies on some other aspect of your life. Your current situation may be fruitless. Also, a parked car may indicate that you should slow down and take a moment to savor life. If you cannot find your parked car, then this suggests that you are lost in life and need to find direction.
To dream that you are nearly hit by a car represents that your ambitions in life may not be in line with others' ambitions. You could have also experienced a wounded ego or traumatic situation.
To dream of moving downwards directly suggests that you may be doing so in life as well, whether with a poor decision or towards the wrong goal. 'Going down,' as in oral sex, may indicate that the dream has a sexual meaning.
To dream that you are jumping signifies that you need to be more adventurous and take on more risks. You will be successful in attaining your goals.
To dream that you fail to jump means that you fear the uncertainties of life. You feel at ease in maintaining status quo.
To dream of a building symbolizes your physical being. Your state of comprehension is indicated by which floor of the building you are on. If you are in the lower levels of the building, the dream reflects your base desires, sexual wants and needs.
To see a ruined or damaged building implies that you need to tackle a problem or issue in a different method. Your current system is proving to be unsuccessful. You must make major alterations. Perhaps your ego has been damaged.
To dream that you or someone falls off a building implies that you are beginning to understand the various aspects of your personality. It may also represent your anxieties regarding your ability to finish a project or reach an objective.
To see animals in your dream is indicative of certain aspects of your personality. Depending on what animal you see, it may reflect your outer appearance, your primal needs and wants, or fantasies relating to sex. Animals can represent your wild and uninhibited side. Thus, to dream that you are fighting with an animal implies that there is some aspect of your personality that you dislike or are trying to avoid. Also read about the type of animal that is appearing in your dream.
To dream that animals can talk indicates insight and intellect. Pay attention to the words it utters; the meaning being conveyed may represent your ability to achieve all that you desire.
To dream that you are saving the life of an animal indicates that you are aware of some personality traits that you have in common with the animal. In addition, you may feel as if you are lacking a particular attribute or you are insignificant in the scheme of things.
To see lab animals in your dream represents a personal attribute that you are hiding from yourself and others. You need to gain confidence and face these emotions, even if you feel as if you will be overcome by them. Be more open-minded and willing to try different things.
To dream of a clear and calm river symbolizes the act of floating away with the current. This relates to indecisiveness and peer pressure. The time has come to take a stand on decisions that will directly impact your life.
A river also stands for joyful pleasures, tranquility, and opulence.
To see a raging river suggests an overwhelming feeling of losing control on matters at hand.
To see a muddy and/or raging river represents chaotic times and jealousy in your life.
To dream of a river flowing with red chili represents the raw emotion, strong passion, or resentment that is flowing through you. You are looking for an outlet for these emotions.
To dream of water can have many different meanings. On the surface, it represents your emotions. However, water can also be symbolic of your life force, chi, and psyche. Other meanings include a search for knowledge, spirituality, or comfort. You could need for relief from hunger or thirst.
Boiling water indicates that you are currently not in complete control of your emotions. Some previously repressed emotions may soon surface; be sure you are prepared to deal with them.
Cool, clear, calm water is an indication that your spirituality brings you great peace. You have come to a place of acceptance about your spirituality and self. Conversely, muddy water is an indication that it is time to clear your head. Get rid of excess baggage like negative thoughts and emotions. If you don't, you will not be able to find the peace.
Muddy water may also be meant to show you that your thought process is clouded and unclear. You are not making the best decisions right now. If you are in the dirty water, there is a situation in your waking life that is simply too much for you to handle. You need to admit you are in over your head and simply ask for help.
To dream that water is flooding up and over your home is an indication that you can not find peace with your emotions. You are afraid to face your inner feelings and will continue to struggle until you do so.
Finally, a dream in which you walk on water is an indication of your inner control over emotions. This is not always a good thing. You may feel the need to always be in control and as a result, may rarely let your true emotions show. Conversely, it may indicate a strong belief in oneself.
To dream of something old implies an aspect in your life that you hope to change or eradicate.
Houses bear various meanings, from comfort, privacy, and safety.
To dream about different parts and states of your house reflect different depths of feelings, and various emotional and mental states.
The attic refers to your intellect and mind, while the basement describes the subconscious.
If the house is empty, it connotes feelings of insecurity. Shifts and changes in the house indicate change and progression of your personality and beliefs.
To dream that you are cleaning your house suggests self-improvement. It further refers to getting rid of old limiting beliefs and adopting new progressive point of views.
If you have a crowded house and you dream that your house is empty, it indicates a need to break free and live your live independently.
Old beliefs and attitudes are represented by old houses. To dream of a new house represents a new era of your life.
If you dream that someone broke into your house, you have a sense of being violated. Your personal boundaries has been crossed by someone.
To dream of a house also indicates that your subconscious is reminding you of something long forgotten, such as good traits you are no longer using.
To dream of a haunted house refers to unfinished business from the past.
A missing house suggests a feeling of being uprooted.
To dream that you are cleaning indicates your ability to make situations more positive and to solve pressing problems. You are learning how to replace pessimistic views and beliefs with those that are more uplifting and pleasurable. This can suggest your desire to seek inner peace and enlightenment.
To dream that you are cleaning an object means that you want to improve a certain part of your personality or character. If you are cleaning the refrigerator or oven, then it implies that you want to tackle an issue head on rather than trying to solve it gradually. Perhaps you feel as if you have reached a stagnant position in your life and you are unsure of where to go from there.
To dream that you are cleaning out a desk implies that you have decided to shed unfavorable pressures and instead follow a new path. You now comprehend the fact that you have options and choices to make; you are not stuck in the same rut.
Dog House
To dream of a viper is an indication that you are concerned that your peaceful life may soon be disrupted.
To dream of a cobra indicates imagination, inspiration, and innovative ideas. You are being mesmerized or blindsided by a certain issue or person.
To dream of a python should be treated as a warning for imminent danger, wrongdoing, and overt sexuality. Then again, it may also symbolize your willpower.
To see a python suffocate and kill its prey is a metaphor for feeling emotionally choked over stressful situations and worries in your waking life.
To dream that you are being attacked by a reptile warns of a grave concern in your future. It further suggests a friend who will turn against and discredit you.
To dream you are safely handling a reptile symbolizes your permissiveness in the face of sarcasm and demeaning jokes from your friends. It further suggests that this bitter breakdown will lead to subsequent renewal of friendship.
To dream that you are bitten by a reptile signifies the emotional depression and anguish from losing your beloved to a rival.
To dream that a dead reptile comes back to life symbolizes an old problem whose resolution turned out to be temporary, but later became the solution.
If you have served in the military, then this dream may reflect your recollections and actions during your service.
Action Hero
To dream about an action hero means you admire their courage or other characteristics. You may desire to be more of a hero in your life. If you were an action hero in your dream, it indicates your shortcomings as well as your attributes. You may be bravely facing your own trial or test.Way
To dream that you have become lost or that your way has become unclear, is a warning to be careful. Your waking life affairs may fall to ruin.Roof
To dream you are on a roof signifies euphoria from your achievements. To dream of falling off the roof suggests losing your control and having a weak standing at an advanced phase in your life.
To dream of a leaky roof suggests negative influences, distractions, and irritations. It may also suggest coming across new ideas and information. On the other hand, it may stand for a message that is finally getting across to you. This may be particularly true in the case of someone who is trying to shove his or her opinions down your throat.
To dream that the roof is caving in suggests a failure to live up to your ideals.
To dream of new shoes implies overconfidence in your achievements. This may also mean threading a new path in life.
To dream of being in a new school hints of a notion that you do not belong to the new environment. It likewise expresses the desire to fit in.
In summary, dreaming of new things and places is a representation of new things and situations in your life. You might be attempting to learn and evaluate lessons from previous experiences.
To dream of good news denotes success in and development of your endeavors and harmonious relationships. Bad news in dream denotes the opposite, and may thus be treated as warning to brace yourself for challenges ahead.Gift
To dream that you are giving a gift represents your kindness toward other people. You could be attempting to discuss a tricky situation with someone while seeking to find a tactful way of saying it.To dream that you are given a gift suggests your good luck in prosperity and love. You are being recognized for a job well done and others are respecting you for it.
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