Thursday, May 19, 2011


What Your Hair Says About You - stock xchange ElenaRay
Hair is often an excellent predictor of someone’s self-image and lifestyle

Hairstyle is part of the whole package that offers tips on personality, behavior, and lifestyle.


When a man’s hair is carefully cut, blow-dried, and hair sprayed, it could indicate that he’s into the power image. A man who pays close attention to his hair may also have expensive or trendy clothes, shoes, accessories, and toys. Reading body language in this case isn’t difficult: this man is probably vain and wants to impress others.

Very short hair on a man could indicate that he’s practical, plays sports, is conservative, is in the military, is recovering from medical treatment, or works for an organization that requires short hair (such as the police or fire department). A man who deliberately shaves his head bald is an extreme example of "very short hair."

How a man deals with hair loss shows his personality. If he uses extreme comb overs or obvious hairpieces, he may have poor judgment. He simply doesn’t realize how he looks to others, and he thinks people won’t notice.
Hair replacement surgery and hair plugs to replace hair loss may indicate a lack of self-acceptance and vanity. Men who go to the extent of surgery to look younger and more attractive may struggle with self-esteem and insecurity

Baseball caps, hats, and ponytails on a balding man can also indicate resistance to growing older (or growing up). But bear in mind that many balding men have to wear a hat outdoors to avoid sunburn on their scalp or for warmth in cold weather. If the hat stays on indoors, that’s another story. The wearer may be self-conscious and insecure because of his hair loss.


The length, style, volume and color of your hair can reveal your personality traits. Hairstyle can be one of the easiest types of nonverbal communication to decipher.

Short hair that is carefully cut and styled may reveal an artistic personality. Most high-maintenance hairstyles indicate financial well-being; short hair that requires regular cuts and dyes may reveal that the woman cares about her appearance, and is willing to spend a significant amount of money to look good.
“Spending a significant percentage of one’s income on hair – or any other aspect of personal appearance – suggests vanity, a need for acceptance, concern about others’ perceptions, and possibly insecurity

Women who are over 40 years old and wear their hair long may not resist growing up. Dimitrius writes, “Sometimes women with this trait are caught in a time warp and still think of themselves as teenagers or college students rather than as grown-ups. Such women may be fairly unrealistic in their outlook on life as well as in their perception of themselves.”
Women who have long hair may believe it makes them more sexually appealing. Long hair could also reveal a bohemian spirit or freedom from conventional expectations.

Women who let their hair go gray naturally – or who dye it gray or white – are likely to be comfortable with their age and who they are as women. Generally speaking, they decide for themselves what they like and what looks good on them (unless of course they are allergic to hair dye. In this case, gray hair doesn’t reveal personality traits).

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